Vegan recipes and cooking tips

In January last year, I took part in Veganuary—a campaign which encourages people to eat vegan for a whole month.

Like a lot of people, I want to reduce my meat and dairy intake and eat more sustainably-sourced plant-based foods.

I also felt stuck in a bit of a food rut, and as someone who usually enjoys cooking (and, of course, eating), I wanted to see if introducing a constraint to my diet would help me find new meals and rediscover my culinary creativity.

It did.

Here’s a round up of my favourite recipes and discoveries from that experiment.

Vegan recipes round-up

Other vegan cooking ideas

As well as specific recipes, I also found a number of tricks that helped us keep going.

  • Make a batch of salsa macha (a dark, sticky Mexican peanut and chilli dressing) and have it on everything
  • Pickles make everything more interesting
  • Nuts make most things more interesting
  • A couple of squares of dark chocolate in your (plant-based milk) porridge will change your life. Salted almonds on top will change it even more
  • After extensive research I can confirm that the H!p salted caramel chocolate is the best vegan chocolate around (not a spon)
  • I strongly advise you not to bother even trying with vegan versions of cheese*, yorkshire puddings, cream, eggs
  • *The exception to the cheese rule is smoked gouda but only when used in cooking, not eaten “straight”
  • Ben and Jerry’s Non-Dairy Phish Food ice cream tastes as good as the dairy version